Our Lady of The Assumption

Support the parish

Your support

Our parish is a thriving community serving the needs of the faithful in our mission to serve the living Church of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this mission, the financing, maintenance and ministry of the church is dependent on the contributions of everyone. Through gift giving and volunteering we can help each other serve our community to spread the word of God. Therefore, your commitment is an essential part of the livelihood of the parish.  

Where does my money go?

The funds we receive go towards the upkeep of the building (church and house), supply the church with consummables for worship and special feast days, and pay for the cost of administration and secretarial duties. It supports our mission and evangelisation, the work with young people and charity.

How can I do my part?

You can set up regular monthly contributions either through Internet banking or by standing order.  Monthly direct giving helps us to budget effectively and it also helps you to prioritise your giving.  It avoids the need for you to find cash for the collection each week and also reduces the work and security risks associated with handling and banking cash for the Church.
For tax-payers, using bank transfer or standing order allows us to reclaim the tax and increase the value of your donation to the Church if you complete the Gift Aid declaration form; this adds 25% to the value of your donation.

Gift Aid Scheme

The Gift Aid scheme allows the parish to benefit from additional funds through the Inland Revenue, without additional costs to the contributor.

Using Gift Aid means for every £1 you give, the parish gets an additional 25p from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation to go further. This means that £100 can be turned into £125 when donations are made through Gift Aid. Please complete the Gift Aid form and return it to the church.

How to register for Gift Aid:

  1. You can find a form inside the parish.
  2. Sign up on DONA with your credit card.
  3. Use the link for this online Gift Aid: https://forms.rcaos.org.uk/giftaid

Parishioners should notify the parish admin team as soon as possible of any changes in their employment status that could affect their Gift Aid status.

Ways to Donate


DONA is an online portal that allows cashless transfers using your credit card. A Dona machine can be found in the entrance of the church. You simply place your card on the machine to donate. Donate online by clicking the button, or using QR code.

Bank Transfer

Set up a standing order with your bank using the account details below:

Bank name: RCAS Deptford
Sort code: 60-13-10
Account no: 42111153

Easy Fund Raising

Is a novel way to turn your online shopping into donations for your church. Easy Fund Raising has partnered with over 7,500 retailers to help charities to raise money for good causes. Do you buy groceries online at Tesco, M&S or Sainsbury’s? Do you book holidays with TUI, lastminute.com, or booking.com? Do you buy electricals at Currys? All of these retailers are partnered with Easy Fund Raising and when you shop with them, they will donate 0.5%-15% at no extra cost to you. It is easy to sign up and get started:

  1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/
  2. Click on Sign up and get started.
  3. Click on Find for a cause to support. Search for Our Lady of The Assumption—Deptford. Click on the search result to locate our parish.
  4. Register by Clicking Sign up and support this cause.
  5. You ready to start shopping and donate.
  6. Log into easyfundraising.org.uk every time you want to go shopping.
  7. Search for the shops you want to buy from. Select Shop by Category from the main menu to view the retailers for different category.
  8. You can also add Browser Extension to help you easily locate the retailers when you are searching online without having to sing into your account. (NOTE: Some shops like Amazon can only be used from easyfundraising.org.uk.
  9. Finally, download the app on your mobile for use on the go. 

Easy Fund Raising tells you how much will be donated to the parish every time you shop. The money raised will be put to wards the Building Fund. Easy Fund Raising will paid contributions directly into the parish bank account every quarter. The total contributions will be published in the newsletter.

Watch the video to learn more about Easy Fund Raising Meet the funder: easyfundraising – Zoom